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rPPG orchestrator

Provides the Rppg orchestrator class.

The orchestrator ties together the typical steps required in an rPPG pipeline:

  1. region of interest (ROI) identification (yarppg.roi)
  2. rPPG signal extraction (yarppg.processors)
  3. heart rate estimation (yarppg.hr_calculator)

Rppg's process_frame method performs the three steps from above in order and produces an yarppg.containers.RppgResult that holds the extracted rPPG signal value as well as the frame, ROI and some additional information.

import yarppg

default_settings = yarppg.Settings()
rppg = yarppg.Rppg.from_settings(default_settings)

result = rppg.process_frame(frame)  # input a (h x w x 3)-image array.


Orchestrator for the complete rPPG pipeline.

If unspecified the following default configuration is used:


Name Type Description Default
roi_detector RoiDetector | None

detector for identifying the region of interest (and background).

processor Processor | None

rPPG signal extraction algorithm.

hr_calc HrCalculator | None

heart rate calculation algorithm.

fps float

expected frames per second of the camera/video

Source code in src\yarppg\
class Rppg:
    """Orchestrator for the complete rPPG pipeline.

    If unspecified the following default configuration is used:

    - [`FaceMeshDetector`][yarppg.FaceMeshDetector] is used for ROI identification.
    - The base [`Processor`][yarppg.Processor] extracts the average green value.
    - A [`PeakBasedHrCalculator`][yarppg.PeakBasedHrCalculator] estimates HR

       roi_detector: detector for identifying the region of interest (and background).
       processor: rPPG signal extraction algorithm.
       hr_calc: heart rate calculation algorithm.
       fps: expected frames per second of the camera/video

    def __init__(
        roi_detector: roi.RoiDetector | None = None,
        processor: processors.Processor | None = None,
        hr_calc: hr_calculator.HrCalculator | None = None,
        fps: float = 30,
        self.roi_detector = roi_detector or roi.FaceMeshDetector()
        self.processor = processor or processors.Processor()
        self.hr_calculator = hr_calc or hr_calculator.PeakBasedHrCalculator(fps)

    def process_frame(self, frame: np.ndarray) -> RppgResult:
        """Process a single frame from video or live stream."""
        roi = self.roi_detector.detect(frame)
        result = self.processor.process(roi) = self.hr_calculator.update(result.value)

        return result

    def process_video(self, filename: ..., as_dataframe: Literal[True]) -> pd.DataFrame:

    def process_video(
        self, filename: ..., as_dataframe: Literal[False] = ...
    ) -> list[RppgResult]:

    def process_video(self, filename: str | pathlib.Path, as_dataframe=False):
        """Convenience function to process an entire video file at once."""
        results = []
        for frame in helpers.frames_from_video(filename):
            result = self.process_frame(frame)
            if as_dataframe:
        if as_dataframe:
            return pd.concat(results).T
        return results

    def reset(self) -> None:
        """Reset internal elements."""

    def from_settings(cls, settings: Settings) -> "Rppg":
        """Instantiate rPPG orchestrator with the given settings."""
        detector = roi.detectors[settings.detector]()
        processor = processors.algorithms[settings.algorithm]()
        if settings.filter:
            if settings.filter == "bandpass":
                b, a = scipy.signal.iirfilter(2, [0.7, 1.8], fs=30, btype="band")
                livefilter = digital_filter.DigitalFilter(b, a)
                livefilter = digital_filter.make_digital_filter(settings.filter)
            processor = processors.FilteredProcessor(processor, livefilter)
        return cls(detector, processor)

from_settings(settings) classmethod

Instantiate rPPG orchestrator with the given settings.

Source code in src\yarppg\
def from_settings(cls, settings: Settings) -> "Rppg":
    """Instantiate rPPG orchestrator with the given settings."""
    detector = roi.detectors[settings.detector]()
    processor = processors.algorithms[settings.algorithm]()
    if settings.filter:
        if settings.filter == "bandpass":
            b, a = scipy.signal.iirfilter(2, [0.7, 1.8], fs=30, btype="band")
            livefilter = digital_filter.DigitalFilter(b, a)
            livefilter = digital_filter.make_digital_filter(settings.filter)
        processor = processors.FilteredProcessor(processor, livefilter)
    return cls(detector, processor)


Process a single frame from video or live stream.

Source code in src\yarppg\
def process_frame(self, frame: np.ndarray) -> RppgResult:
    """Process a single frame from video or live stream."""
    roi = self.roi_detector.detect(frame)
    result = self.processor.process(roi) = self.hr_calculator.update(result.value)

    return result

process_video(filename, as_dataframe=False)

Convenience function to process an entire video file at once.

Source code in src\yarppg\
def process_video(self, filename: str | pathlib.Path, as_dataframe=False):
    """Convenience function to process an entire video file at once."""
    results = []
    for frame in helpers.frames_from_video(filename):
        result = self.process_frame(frame)
        if as_dataframe:
    if as_dataframe:
        return pd.concat(results).T
    return results


Reset internal elements.

Source code in src\yarppg\
def reset(self) -> None:
    """Reset internal elements."""